* Required Information
1) Which of the following can cause bed sores?
a) Good hygiene
b) Laying on one spot for long periods of time
c) Skin lotions
d) Changing positions every 2 hours
2) Indicate those changes that a Home Health Aide should always report by a phone call to a supervisor. (Check the circle beside your answers. Indicate all answers that are appropriate.)
a) Onset of skin breakdown
b) A temperature of 101 degrees F
c) Signs of bruising
d) Abusive language
e) Onset of slurred speech
f) Patient requesting tasks not on assignment sheet
g) Sudden anxiety
3) What is one of the most effective infection control measures a home health aide can use?
a) Using water as a disinfectant
b) Not touching residents
c) Washing hands
d) Shaking bed sheets before putting them in the laundry hamper
4) Which of the following is a normal oral temperature?
a) 96.2 degrees F
b) 98.6 degrees F
c) 99.5 degrees F
d) 101.1 degrees F
5) Which one of the following helps germs multiply?
a) Moisture
b) Light
c) Temperatures below 32 degrees F
d) Boiling water
6) When handling linens of an incontinent client you should
a) Always wear gloves
b) Scrub with a brush before washing
c) Carefully shake out linens before washing
d) First rise with hot water before washing
7) Clients who do not drink enough liquids can experience
a) Dehydration
b) Decubitus ulcers
c) Loss of hearing in the higher ranges
d) Diarrhea
8) One of the best ways to prevent the spread of infection is to
a) Never talk on the clients phone
b) Never touch residents with infectious diseases
c) Always wear latex gloves while on duty
d) Always wash hands before and after patient contact
9) If a patient's behavior deviates from their normal personal, you should
a) Reprimand them appropriatel
b) Report their behavior to the supervisory nurse
c) Restrain them to prevent injury to themselves or to others
d) Leave them alone and let them get over it
10) Check any three (3) safety hazards the Home Health Aide should observe for every home
a) Functioning smoke detectors
b) Frayed electrical wiring
c) Presence /location of fire extinguishers
d) Water on the floor
'e) Loose scatter rugs"
f) Overloaded electrical outlets
g) Broken handrails on stairways
h) Signs of patient / spouse smoking in bed
11) You suspect that a client has been abused. What should you do?
a) Tell a family member
b) Call the hotline
c) Call the nurse supervisor
d) Discuss it with the patient
12) Which of the following statements is correct?
a) A full liquid diet can include milk and sherbet
b) A diabetic diet contains food high in sugar
c) A low sodium diet contains foods such as ham
d) A clear liquid diet includes tea, Jell-O, and ice cream
13) When moving a resident it is important to consider the patient's
a) Comfort
b) Privacy
c) Safety
d) All the above
14) What is the recommended daily fluid intake for an adult?
a) 6-8 8oz glasses
b) 2-4 8oz glasses
c) 3 quarts a day
d) None of the above
15) Good sources of protein are
a) Beans, peanut butter and eggs
b) Potatoes and noodles
c) Green salad and cooked greens
d) Apples and oranges
16) A resident with _______________ may not remember things from one minute to the next.
a) Dentures
b) Alzheimers
c) Epilepsy
d) Parkinsons
17) Symptom's of stroke include
a) Sudden weakness to one side of the body
b) Slurred speech
c) Facial drooping
d) Confusion
e) All of the above
18) Water on the floor is a safety hazard?
Form 5/5